Our mission is to bring Africa and Spain closer
Through outreach, educational, economic, and cultural activities, we foster mutual understanding and strengthen Hispanic African relations.
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Our mission is to bring Africa and Spain closer
Through outreach, educational, economic, and cultural activities, we foster mutual understanding and strengthen Hispanic African relations.
Our mission is to bring Africa and Spain closer
Through outreach, educational, economic, and cultural activities, we foster mutual understanding and strengthen Hispanic African relations.
Sur les centaines de personnes rassemblées ce jour-là dans la ville, un seul a repéré l’objectif. Sa chemise immaculée et son air absent semblent l’extraire de la foule anonyme, le projetant au premier plan de cette scène de rue où s’échangent de curieux jeux de regards.
© Foto: Martin Charlotte
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C/ Alfonso XIII, 5.
35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España
Tel.: +34 928 432 800
Email: info@casafrica.es