Our mission is to bring Africa and Spain closer
Through outreach, educational, economic, and cultural activities, we foster mutual understanding and strengthen Hispanic African relations.
Casa África just revealed the jury’s decision of its 2nd edition’s flash fiction contest Purorrelato, and it acknowledges Cecilia Rodríguez Bové as the winner with her story titled Cazadores (Hunters). The jury stated that this flash fiction transports the reader to an almost dream-world landscape, sensible with the environment, with lyricism and paused rhythm. Cecilia Rodríguez Bové will receive a 500€ award and will have her story published on top of a selection made by Casa África of the submitted oeuvres, and it will be edited in electronic format and distributed for free before the end of this year.
The second award of this contest belongs to the Salamanca-born Isidro Catela Marcos, with the story Goliat, and the third award belongs to the German-Argentinean who lives in the Basque Country Greta Frankenfeld, whose story is entitled as Meditación (Meditation). In the case of the second prize, the jury based their decision on the poetic and reminiscent imaginary, the underhand humor, defending the concept of difference and making a subtle tribute to the literature made in Africa. In the third story, the jury highlighted its circular structure, its suggestive content, the symbolism and plasticity as well. 2nd and 3rd award will receive a 100€ gift card to spend in the online shop of the bookshop Canaima. Isidro Catela Marcos receive the 2nd award of this contest for second year in a row.
Purorrelato’s 2nd edition has received 374 stories from 17 countries, written in French, Portuguese and Spanish. The micro stories came from different parts of Spain and from countries like Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina in the American continent; Portugal, Germany or France in Europe and Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Mozambique or Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa.
Purorrelato was born with the purpose of promoting literary creation that can make us feel and think about Africa, and also to show its different realities, always with the vision of bringing the continent closer as well as trying to get rid of the stereotypes and clichés. The contest was first convoked the 1st of April and ended the 1stof July.The jury was composed by writers and scholars like Felisa Rodríguez Prado, María Jesús Alvarado Benítez, Teresa Iturriaga Osa, Francisco Javier González García Mamely and Oswaldo Guerra Sánchez. The contest was held last year for the first time, and in that occasion the first award went to other writer, María del Mar Horno García.
Purorrelato’s e-book version of the 1st edition can be read and downloaded here:
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