Casa África

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Boniface Ofogo Nkama

An oral storyteller and intercultural mediator, he has published the books titled ‘Una vida de cuento’ (A Fairytale Life) and ‘El león de Kandinga’ (The Lion of Kandinga).

Boniface Ofogo was born in Bogondo, a town located in central Cameroon, in 1966. Upon completing high school, he studied Spanish Literature and earned a scholarship from the Spanish Government to continue his studies in Madrid, where he arrived in 1988.

He has been a social and cultural mediator for several Community of Madrid city governments. He has focused on writing and narrating African stories since 1992. He is the author of Una vida de cuento (A Fairytale Life), an autobiography that highlights the importance of oral traditions in Africa. He has also published the book titled El león Kandinga (The Kandinga Lion), which forms part of the endless oral tradition of the Bantú tribe that lives in the savannahs and jungles of Africa, from central Cameroon to South Africa.

Ofogo specialises in black African fables, legends, myths and traditions. He has performed throughout Spain, including the Guadalajara Stories Marathon, the 2004 Barcelona Cultural Forum, and the Jaca and Elche Storytelling Festivals. He has also visited France, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia and Argentina.


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