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El Hadji Amadou Ndoye

Professor, writer and literary critic

El Hadji Amadou Ndoye was born in Senegal in 1947. He is currently Professor of Spanish Language and Literature at the College of Letters and Human Sciences of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal.

From 1953 to 1968, he studied his primary, secondary and first years of university education in Senegal.
In 1975, he presented his first thesis (3rd Cycle in Lyon, France) on The vision of populations of African origin in the novels of Jorge Amado.
In 1976, he was awarded the Certificate of Professional Aptitude for Secondary Education (Paris).
As a scholar in Canarias literature, in 1998 he presented his second thesis (Toulouse, France) on The Canarias narrative of the 1970s.

He has published papers in Gabon, Switzerland, France, Brazil and Spain and he has participated in congresses and given lectures in Spain, France, Brazil, Italy, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo and Venezuela.

He has published the following books:

  • Estudios sobre la narrativa canaria del 70 (Studies of the Canarias narrative of the 1970s), Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 1998 and 2006 (2nd Edition expanded)

  • A un tiro de piedra (A Shot of a Rock), Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 2006, where he gathers the papers he has published in the Gran Canarias weekly, La Tribuna, as a collaborator in the Canarias press with different literary as well as social articles.

  • En torno a la literatura hispanoamericana (About Hispanic-American literature), Autonomous University of Bogota, 2008.

He has been a Spanish Professor at the College of Letters and Human Sciences of Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, since 1975, where he gives translation classes from Spanish to French and vice-versa, historical grammar, Spanish literature and Latin American literature.

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