Casa África

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Eugenio Nkogo Ondó

He has dedicated his life to reflection and philosophical research, which has made him a renowned and prestigious thinker.

He was born in Bibas, Akonibe (Equatorial Guinea), on 18 October 1944. He has a PhD in Philosophy from Complutense University of Madrid. He took courses in ontology and contemporary philosophy at the University of Paris-Sorbonne (France).

He taught at the University of Ghana, Accra, Legon. From there, he moved to the United States, where he worked at the University of Georgetown. Back in Spain, he was assistant professor at the University College of León. A Bachelor's Professor of Philosophy, he is a member of the Association des Auteurs Autoédités. He is currently a Professor at I.E.S. Padre Isla, in León, and he is dedicated to research and publication.

"For his great contribution to the dissemination and promotion of knowledge and recognition of cultural values and truths about Africa including respect, friendliness and solidarity," he was awarded the First Africa Award on 25 May 2006 from the SOS-Africa organization.

His works that stand out include: El aspecto ético y social del existencialismo (The ethical and social aspect of existentialism) (1982), El método filosófico de Jean- Paul Sartre (The philosophical method of Jean-Paul Sartre) (1983), El problema humano (1985) (The human problem), Sobre las ruinas de la república de Ghana (1988) (On the ruins of the Republic of Ghana), La trascendencia en la noche oscura (1989) (Transcendence on a dark night), La relación yo-mundo en Jean Paul Sartre (1990) (The I-world relationship in Jean-Paul Sarte), La encerrona (1993) (The trap), Le Confinament, expériencie pédagogique du maitre Jean Latin (1997) and La Pensée radicale (2005).


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