Casa África

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Ciclo de conferencias de seguridad #Áfricaesnoticia: Cuestiones sobre la seguridad en el Sahel y África Occidental

The security challenges existing both in western Africa and Sahel are of increasing concern. The effects of armed groups in the region, climate change and over the past year, COVID – 19, have turned the region into the perfect storm, and now safety and stability are hanging by a thread in an area which was already a problematic one.

For this reason, Casa África is organising four online seminars based on the knowledge of experts and the parties involved. The objective of these meetings is twofold:

  1. to increase understanding in Spain of various aspects related to security in the region, which is of prime concern for our country,
  2. to generate a space which will provide a voice for both Spanish and African experts, and as a result, generate contact networks and mutual understanding.

Each of the participants will draw up a document of analysis for their particular specialist field, thus increasing the amount of information available regards security on the African continent.

During the seminars, topics such as: security in the seas of the Gulf of Guinea; terrorism in Sahel; the humanitarian crisis in northern Nigeria, with emphasis on the presence of Boko Haram in the area; or food safety, migration and climate change in Sahel will be covered.

The dates and topics for the seminars, which will take place on line at 6 p.m. (Madrid time) are as follows:


*This activity has received a grant from the Ministry of Defence.

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