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I Encuentro de Think Tanks África-España

The increasing capacity of analysis and incidence of think tanks does not go unnoticed in the discussion and formulation of policies. As is the case in other regions of the world, on the African continent the analysis and incidence generated from these centres must play an important role in the empowerment of the African agenda. Its work around the main topics allows the needs, dynamics and processes of African civil society to be publicised, in contrast to the African agenda defined by the great powers with interests in the continent, or the rest of international think tanks.

Currently, during a time when changes of political, economic and articulation of civil society in the African continent are being confirmed, the recommendations of think tanks are necessary and useful for governments and their decision-making.

For all these reasons, and in line with Casa África's objectives and mission to bring Africa closer to Spain, we organise this 1st Meeting of Africa-Spain Think Tanks. This meeting aims to bring together representatives of the most prominent African think tanks with specialists in Sub-Saharan Africa from the major Spanish think tanks, so as to generate and enhance the interaction between them. In order to strengthen this link, the invitation is extended to European think tanks that have already previously collaborated with the Spanish ones and that have strong working lines around Sub-Saharan Africa.

The proposal of organising a 1st Meeting of Africa-Spain Think Tanks goes in the line with Casa África's work to generate new Hispanic-African networks.

The meeting will be held over two days. The first day is to be carried out internally, where each one of the think tanks shall set out their lines of work and interests in seeking potential work synergies. The second will be open to the public and will consist of two major topics set out by the African representatives: the transformation of the armed conflict and its response; and the situation and prospects regarding youth and development.

The open day to the public will be closed with the signing of a statement of intent focused on:

  • Strengthening relations between Spanish, European and African think tanks.
  • Disseminate, through Casa África, the work of African think tanks through translation into Spanish and subsequent dissemination of their documents and analysis.
  • Convert this encounter of think tanks into a biennial event.

For capacity reasons, pre-registration is required by sending an email to


News about the event (in Spanish):


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