Casa África

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Jornada informativa #ÁfricaEsNoticia: Conflictos en África. Presencia española y nuevos retos para la seguridad del continente

Casa Africa organises, in collaboration with the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, the information conference # ÁfricaEsNoticia: Conflicts in Africa, Spanish presence and new challenges for the security of the continent

This initiative is created with the intention of demonstrating the importance to the Spanish state of security on the African continent and explain the contribution made ​​by our country to peace and stability in Africa.

The conference includes specialists from academia and Defence and journalists specialised in the African continent who have covered crises and conflicts on the ground. Issues will be discussed such as the Jihad in the Maghreb, Boko Haram or the situation in Central African Republic, although Mali and the Sahel, Somalia and the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea and piracy will also be present.

#ÁfricaEsNoticia is a specific programme from Casa África to bring debate and reflection on the hottest topics from Africa today to its headquarters in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. It is structured like a cycle of conferences  from Spanish and African experts invited to discuss, think and bring us even closer to Africa. The title also refers to Casa África's web section which is updated daily with the main news on the neighbouring continent.

The schedule planned for the meeting is as follows:

  • 9.00 a.m. Opening by the Director of the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies, General Miguel Angel Ballesteros, and the Casa África's General Director, Luis Padrón Inaugural Speech by General Ballesteros: Spain and Africa, an area of shared security
  • 10 a.m. Table 1: Spain and Africa, new challenges for the security of the continent
    • Ignacio Cembrero: Jihad and the Maghreb
    • Lieutenant Colonel Jesús Díez Alcalde: Spanish presence in Africa. Missions to maintain peace
    • Oscar Mateos: Conflict, security and peace building in Africa. New perspectives and debates
  • 11.15 a.m. Break
  • 11.30 a.m. Table 2: Jihadism in Africa. The case of Nigeria and Boko Haram
    • Jesús Núñez: Boko Haram. The delirium of the caliphate in West Africa
    • José Naranjo: The stories of terror in Boko Haram
  • 12.30 p.m. Table 3: Africa, journalism and forgotten conflicts
    • Gemma Parellada: Forgotten conflicts. The case of the Central African Republic
    • Lola Huete Machado: The (In)visibility of Africa in the media

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