Casa África

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Mesa redonda: La piratería marítima en África. De Somalia al golfo de Guinea

Maritime piracy is one of the major challenges to international security for which Africa has been and continues to be present in global current affairs in recent years. The phenomenon, which recently was mainly concentrated in the Horn of Africa, has found a new focal point in the Gulf of Guinea.

The coasts of this vast area of ​​West Africa, especially in Nigerian waters, have become the most uncertain maritime area in the world since last year. In only the first 10 months of 2013 there have already been more than 40 attacks, which have led to the hijacking of seven ships and about 130 hostages have been taken.

Given this phenomenon, both African countries as well as the international community are looking for, and in some cases have already implemented, cooperative arrangements to make the Gulf of Guinea a safer area. In this sense, one wonders whether the ways to tackle the phenomenon in Somalia, which has been significantly reduced piracy activity can not constitute or be the model to be applied in the Gulf.

On Thursday 12th December 2013, from Casa África there will be a reflection on what is happening in the area, what is special about the criminal activity occurring there and where transnational solutions can go from there. This will be through a round table, at 7:30 p.m., with the participation of:

  • Fernando Ibáñez, a researcher at the University of Zaragoza and expert on maritime piracy
  • Manuel de la Puente Mora Figueroa, Admiral of the Naval Staff  of the Canary Islands
  • Ángel Tristán Pimienta, journalist and Director of the Club La Provincia
  • Chaired by: Santiago Martínez-Caro, Casa África's General Director

More information:

  • What?
    • Round table: Maritime piracy in Africa. From Somalia to the Gulf of Guinea
  • When?
    • 12th December 2013 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Where?
    • At Casa África. C/. Alfonso XIII, 5. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain
      The meeting can also be followed by streaming and by  Casa África's Twitter.
  • Invitation

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