Casa África

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Purorrelato. I Concurso de microrrelatos de Casa África

Casa África announces the first flash fiction competition called Purorrelato in order to promote literary creation to encourage us to feel and think about Africa and continue to show us the different realities that will bring us nearer to the continent, far from those stereotypes that for so long have marked it.


First - Participants

  1. Any physical person who is over 18 years old will be able to take part in the competition and be of any nationality or resident in any country. They must under no circumstances have any working and/or professional relationship with the Casa África Consortium, nor any of the organisations that make it up (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation, Government of the Canary Islands, and Town Council of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria).
  2. Up to a maximum of three stories will be admitted per author.

Second - Subject

The subject is free to choose although the stories should have some type of link to Africa. The story can take place inside or outside the continent and its degree of connection with Africa can vary from just a detail to the whole part of it.

Third - Conditions that every flash fiction should meet

  1. The stories should be original, unpublished and should not have won a prize or be pending a decision in other competitions or contests. The participants must guarantee that there are no rights from third parties on the flash fiction presented and they will be liable for any claims that may arise due to this.
  2. The flash fiction can be presented in any of the following languages: Spanish, English, French or Portuguese.
  3. Each flash fiction can extend to a maximum of 1,400 characters excluding the title.

Fourth - Sending of stories and documentation

  1. The stories must be presented using the online form (deactivated on July 1, 2013 as specified in the bases of the contest). The participating authors must attach a photocopy of their National Identity Card, Passport or Residence permit in the last step of the form. If you have any problems sending your flash fiction, please contact us at
  2. The contest will remain open from the 1st April to the 1st July 2013 at 2.00pm (Spanish mainland time). Any flash fiction received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Fifth - Composition of the Jury, performance and assessment criteria

The Jury will be made up from a minimum of 3 and maximum of 7 members, all recognised experts in African literature, selected by the Casa África Consortium. The composition of the jury will be announced after their decision is published.

Sixth - Jury's Decision

  1. Casa África will publish the decision of the prizes before the 1st August 2013. The jury's decision will be published here, on Casa África's website, and on the social networks Casa África is present on.
  2. The jury's decision is final, with Casa África having the right to declare the prize void.

Seventh - Prize

  1. The first prize will be for 500 euros. The payment of this prize is subject to Spanish legislation in force at the time it is paid, irrespective of the tax in the wining author’s country of residence. The winner can receive the amount of the prize through bank transfer or a money transfer service. The transfer fees will be charged at the destination account.
  2. The second and third prizes will be for gift vouchers of 100 euros sponsored by Librería Canaima to use on their online shop.
  3. The prize winners in these three categories will each receive a set of books belonging to Casa África's Literature Collection. 
  4. The 50 best stories, chosen by the Jury will form part of a digital publication that Casa África will publish. This digital edition will feature renowned writers, among them leading African writers who have taken part in Casa África's Literature Collection and in Casa África's African Letters programme.
  5. The authors chosen autorise and give Casa África the necessary rights to create an electronic edition of the chosen stories and disseminate them through Casa África's website and other platforms. These authors will not have, for these and other concepts, any financial remuneration, except for the three flash fiction winners who will receive the prizes set out in point 1 of this Rule Seven.

Eighth - Acceptance of the Rules

To take part in this competition, you must send the online form to register for the competition, and this will imply you are aware of and accept this competition's Rules, together with Casa África's decisions regarding them, which are final.

Ninth - Data Protection

The competition's contestants and participants are informed and authorise that personal data given when enrolling into the competition, without which they could not take part in the competition, will be incorporated into an automated file, which is held by the Casa África Consortium, and will be used only so as to allow them to take part in the competition.

Tenth - Notifications

In accordance with that set out in art. 59.6b of Law 30/1992, all decisions taken by Casa África as part of this competition, including the decision of the prizes, will be communicated to the interested parties by publishing them on the Consortium's website (, with this publication substituting that of an individual notification to each person.

Eleventh - Rights of exclusion

Casa África Consortium reserves the right to rule out and exclude participants from the competition in the following cases:

  • When they enrol with false data. Due to this, participants may be requested to verify their data.
  • When they fraudulently or artificially manipulate their participation in the competition.
  • When the jury considers that the flash fiction do not fit in with the subject chosen; contain elements that could in any way be considered against fundamental rights and public freedom; induce, incite or promote criminal, slanderous, violent actions or are generally  contrary to law or public order; are protected by any rights of intellectual property belonging to third parties, without the participant having previously obtained the necessary authorisation from their owners; violate the right to honour, personal and family privacy or the image of individuals; may constitute advertising or incorporate elements that may damage the normal operation of the network, system or computer equipment.
  • When any of these rules are not complied with in any way.

Exoneration of responsibility

Casa África Consortium is exonerated, and will not be liable regarding any breach from the participant in matters of intellectual, industrial property or of image, as well as any liability that could result in the breach of defective performance by the participants in the competition that relates to these Rules.

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