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VIII Concurso Fotográfico 'Objetivo África': Una década en positivo

Casa África announces its 8th Photography Contest "Objetivo África" which will award prizes to photographs which best portray the positive aspects of the African continent.

This year, we are commemorating the first 10 years of Casa África, where we work to promote the infinite realities of the continent beyond the stereotypes often associated with it. This year’s theme is therefore linked with time. We want the competition to be a celebration of the past 10 years in Africa so we will accept images taken in Africa since 2007 that reflect or communicate positive stories.

Any person of legal age can take part in the competition. Photographs can be entered for the competition from 10 October to 13 December 2017 (inclusive). Each applicant may participate with a maximum of five (5) photographs. To do this, you must send them either as attachments or through a file exchange system (such as WeTransfer or Dropbox) to Photographs should be sent in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi and file-size between 1.5 MB and 5 MB.

Weʼre looking for photographs from the last ten years that best portray the positive aspects of Africa. Send your images before 13 December and help us spread the word about Africa and Spain growing ever closer. There are 1,200 euros in prizes.

Check the terms & conditions and participate

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